Andrea Goldsmith Young Scholars Award
A recognition plaque plus travel costs to the next CTW (up to USD $2000)
Basis For Judging
The CTTC Andrea Goldsmith Young Scholars Award will recognize young scholars of the communication theory area who are (i) actively enrolled Ph.D. students or (ii) within 2 years of their Ph.D. completion at the time of nomination deadline. Eligible nominees must be ComSoc members.
Successful nominees must show a high level of research aptitude in the broadly defined topic of communication theory, as well as engagement in the professional community. Judging criteria will include research independence, creativity, productivity, potential for impact, leadership and mentoring activities, and community engagement ideally including at least some participation within the CTTC and its meetings, symposia, and workshops.
Annually, at the Communication Theory Workshop, or by request at GLOBECOM or ICC. No more than two awards will be given per year.
Nomination packages consist of a one-page nominating statement by the individual nominating the candidate, the candidate’s curriculum vitae, and up to two letters of support (each no longer than a page). All documents should be combined into a single pdf file. The nomination package can be submitted here. For the 2024 award, nominations are due on December 15, 2023. Current CTTC Awards Committee members and CTTC leadership (chair, vice-chair and secretary) cannot be nominated.
Past Recipients
2024 Andrea Goldsmith Young Scholars Award
- Baturalp Buyukates for contributions to age of information, low-latency communications, distributed computation and learning.
2023 Andrea Goldsmith Young Scholars Award
- Ian P. Roberts for his contributions to the theory and practice of full-duplex millimeter-wave communications.
2022 Andrea Goldsmith Young Scholars Award
- Jia Ye for her contributions in the multiple areas within communication theory, such as reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS) and non-terrestrial communications.
Award Sponsors
- Crown Castle
- Nokia
- Cohere Technologies
- Qualcomm
- Apple
- Texas Instruments
Other Contributors:
- Vodafone
- Jeffrey Andrews