Outstanding Service Award
A recognition plaque.
Basis For Judging
The award will recognize members of the Communication Theory Technical Committee (CTTC) of the IEEE Communications Society who have a distinguished record of service to the CTTC community, including CTTC symposia and workshop organization, leadership roles within the CTTC, and promoting CTTC activities and interests in the broader research community.
Annually, at GLOBECOM, or by request the Communication Theory Workshop or ICC. No more than two awards will be given per year.
Nomination packages consist of a one-page nominating statement by the individual nominating the candidate, the candidate’s curriculum vitae, and up to three letters of support (each no longer than a page). All documents should be combined into a single pdf file. The nomination package can be submitted here. For the 2026 award, nominations are due on September 15, 2025. Current CTTC Awards Committee members and CTTC leadership (chair, vice-chair, and secretary) cannot be nominated, or serve as nominators/endorsers.
Past Recipients
- 2024 CTTC Service Award
Jeffrey G. Andrews for leadership and sustained service to CTTC, CTW, IEEE journals and conferences of interest to CTTC members. - 2023 CTTC Service Award
Erik Perrins for sustained contributions to the communication theory community. - 2022 CTTC Service Award
Juan Manuel Romero-Jerez and F. Javier López Martínez for extraordinary effort and organization of the Communication Theory Workshop through the uncertain pandemic period. - 2021 CTTC Service Award
Matthew Valenti for strong leadership of and advocacy for the CTTC. - 2020 CTTC Service Award
Angel Lozano for decades of service and unparalleled commitment to CTTC and its mission. - 2019 CTTC Service Award
Andrea Goldsmith for her leadership in CTTC, COMSOC, and IEEE, and her continued engagement in CTW. - 2017 CTTC Service Award
Robert W. Heath Jr. for leadership as CTTC chair and sustained contributions in organizing and chairing the Communication Theory Workshop. - 2016 CTTC Service Award
Behnaam Aazhang for innovative leadership that elevated the quality and success of the Communication Theory Workshop. - 2015 CTTC Service Award
Sergio Benedetto for exceptional leadership as chair of CTTC, and in Communication Theory Workshop and Symposia. - 2014 CTTC Service Award
Ender Ayanoglu for leadership and innovation as CTTC chair and editor-in-chief for the IEEE Transactions on Communications. - 2013 CTTC Service Award
Michael Rice for his continuous involvement in and sustained leadership of the Communication Theory Technical Committee. - 2012 CTTC Service Award
Costas N. Georghiades for sustained contributions as editor, conference program chair, and CTTC chair. - 2011 CTTC Service Award
Leonard J. Cimini Jr. for his editorial service, including being the founding Editor-in-Chief of the JSAC Wireless Communication Series which became the Transactions on Wireless Communications. - 2010 CTTC Service Award
Richard D. Gitlin for his active involvement in the leadership of the Communication Theory Committee and organization of a Communication Theory Workshop.
Larry Milstein for his active and continued involvement in the leadership of the Communication Theory Committee and editorial service including being editor-in-chief of the Journal on Selected Areas in Communication. - 2009 CTTC Service Award
Raymond L. Pickholtz for his continuous and active involvement in the leadership of the Communication Theory Committee and for his dedication and leadership in organizing and running the Communication Theory Workshop over a many-year period.
Yeheskel Bar-Ness for his sustained leadership of the Communication Theory Committee, for his leadership in organizing the first Communication Theory Mini-Conference at a major conference and for his leadership in founding IEEE Communications Letters and serving as its inaugural Editor-in-Chief. - 2006 CTTC Service Award
Robert Lucky, Jack Salz, and Donald Schilling for their vision in initiating the Communication Theory Workshop and their long-standing service and contributions to the communication theory community.