Symposia Chairs and Committee Representatives
GLOBECOM 2024 (Cape Town, South Africa) 8–12 December 2024 |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs |
Syed A. Jafar Neelesh Mehta Nan Cheng |
ICC 2024 (Denver, CO, USA) 9–13 June 2024 |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs |
Mingyue Ji Sofie Pollin |
GLOBECOM 2023 (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) 4–8 December 2023 |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs |
Kaibin Huang Yuanwei Liu Melda Yuksel |
ICC 2023 (Rome, Italy) May 28–June 1 2023 |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs |
Chia-Han Lee Yansha Deng Haesik Kim |
GLOBECOM 2022 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 4–8 December 2022 |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs |
Mark Flanagan Ayfer Özgür Enrico Paolini |
ICC 2022 (Seoul, South Korea) 16–20 May 2022 |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs |
Emil Björnson Elif Uysal Youngchul Sung |
GLOBECOM 2021 (Madrid, Spain) 7–11 December 2021 |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs |
Xu (Judy) Zhu Syed A. Jafar Sofie Pollin |
ICC 2021 (Virtual Conference) 14–23 June 2021 |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs |
Elza Erkip Achilleas Anastasopoulos Ranjan Mallik |
GLOBECOM 2020 (Taipei, Taiwan) 7–11 December 2020 |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs |
Marco Chiani Rui Dinis Paschalis Sofotasios |
ICC 2020 (Virtual Conference) 7–11 June 2020 |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs |
Harpreet S. Dhillon Mark Flanagan Deniz Gunduz |
GLOBECOM 2019 (Waikoloa, HI, USA) 9–13 December 2019 |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs |
Wei Yu Enrico Paolini Andrea M. Tonello |
ICC 2019 (Shanghai, China) 20–24 May 2019 |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs |
Matthew Valenti Justin Coon Feng Shu |
GLOBECOM 2018 (Abu Dhabi, UAE) 9–13 December 2018 |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs |
Neelesh Mehta
Koichi Adachi Meixia Tao |
ICC 2018 (Kansas City, MO, USA) 20–24 May 2018 |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs |
Maged Elkashlan
Aylin Yener
Yonghui Li |
GLOBECOM 2017 (Singapore) 4–8 December 2017 |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs |
Wei Chen
Marco Di Renzo
Lifeng Lai |
ICC 2017 (Paris, France) 21–25 May 2017 |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs |
Ender Ayanoglu
Fulvio Babich
Steven Weber |
Globecom 2016 (Washington, DC USA) 4–8 December 2016 |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs |
Petar Popovski
Jinhong Yuan
Philippa Martin |
ICC 2016 (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) 23–27 May 2016 |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs |
Marios Kountouris
Marco Chiani
Xu (Judy) Zhu |
Globecom 2015 (San Diego, CA, USA) 6–10 December 2015 |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs | Octavia Dobre Memorial University Canada
Xiang Cheng
Kausik Chakraborty |
ICC 2015 (London, England, UK) 8–12 June 2015 |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs | Tony Quek Singapore University Technol. Design Singapore |
Globecom 2014 (Austin, TX, USA) 8–12 December 2014 |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs | Kaibin Huang Hong Kong Polytechnic Univiversity China |
ICC 2014 (Sydney, Australia) 10–14 June 2014 |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs | Fulvio Babich
University of Trieste Bechir Hamdaoui Huaiyu Dai |
Globecom 2013 (Atlanta, GA, USA) 9–13 December 2013 |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs | Nallanthan Arumugam
King’s College Sang Wu Kim Lian Zhao |
ICC 2013 (Budapest, Hungary) 9–13 June 2013 |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs | David Gesbert
EURECOM Angel Lozano Velio Tralli Sennur Ulukus |
Globecom 2012 (Anaheim, California, USA) 3–7 December 2012 |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs | Erik Perrins
University of Kansas Memorial University of Newfoundland Hyundong Shin |
ICC 2012 (Ottawa, Canada) 10–15 June 2012 |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs | Jeff Andrews
University of Texas at Austin University of Notre Dame University of Toronto Seoul National University |
GLOBECOM 2011 (Houston, Texas, USA) 4–8 December 2011 Call for Papers Paper submissions via EDAS |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs | Riccardo Raheli
University of Parma Concordia University Michigan Technology University Johns Hopkins University |
ICC 2011 (Kyoto, Japan) 5–9 June 2011 | |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs | Marco Chiani
University of Bologna West Virginia University Keio University Wei Zhang (WC representative) The University of New South Wales |
Committee Representative to Wireless Communications Symposium | Ashutosh Sabharwal
Rice University |
GLOBECOM 2010 (Miami, Florida, USA) 6–10 December 2010 | |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs | Shuguang (Robert) Cui
Dept of ECE, Texas A&M University Brigham Young University School of Engineering and Applied Sciences |
ICC 2010 (Cape Town, South Africa) 23–27 May 2010 | |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs | Daniela Tuninetti
University of Illinois at Chicago Technische Universität Berlin Guosen Yue NEC Laboratories America, Inc. |
GLOBECOM 2009 (Honolulu, Hawaii, USA) 30 November–4 December 2009 | |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs | Mérouane Debbah
SUPELEC Polytechnic Institute of NYU Department of Electrical Engineering Henry Samueli School of Engineering KTH, Royal Institute of Technology |
Committee Representative to Wireless Communications Symposium | |
ICC 2009 (Dresden, Germany) 14–18 June 2009 | |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs | Aylin Yener
Department of Electrical Engineering 121 Electrical Engineering East University Park, PA 16802 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2332 Main Mall Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada Department of Information Engineering The Chinese University of Hong Kong Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong |
Committee Representative to Wireless Communications Symposium | Erik Perrins
Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science 2020 Eaton Hall, 1520 West 15th St. West Lawrence, KS 66045 USA |
GLOBECOM 2008 (New Orleans, LA) 30 November–4 December 2008 | |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs | Hesham El-Gamal
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Tie Liu |
Committee Representative to General Conference | |
ICC 2008 (Beijing, China) 19–23 May 2008 | |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs | Norman Beaulieu
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 1230 E Speedway Blvd, Room 321 University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Lehigh University Bethlehem, PA 18015 |
Committee Representative to General Conference | |
GLOBECOM 2007 (Washington, DC) 26–30 November 2007 | |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs | Amir Banihashemi
Dept. of Systems and Computer Engineering 1125 Colonel By Drive Sennur Ulukus |
Committee Representative to General Conference | David Love
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering EE Building, 465 Northwestern Ave. West Lafayette, IN 47907 |
ICC 2007 (Glasgow, Scotland) 24–28 June 2007 | |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs | Peter McLane
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Walter Light Hall Murat Uysal |
Committee Representative to General Conference | Rohit Negi
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Carnegie Mellon University 5000 Forbes Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15213 |
GLOBECOM 2006 (San Francisco, California) 27 November–1 December, 2006 | |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs | Hamid Jafarkhani
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering Erchin Serpedin Department of Electrical Engineering |
Committee Representative to General Conference | Tiffany Jing Li Electrical & Computer Engineering Lehigh University Bethlehem, PA 18015
ICC 2006 (Istanbul, Turkey) 11–15 June, 2006 | |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs | Prof. Sergio Benedetto (Chair) Dipartimento di Elettronica Politecnico di Torino, Italy E-mail:
Prof. Ender Ayanoglu Dr. Sedat Oelcer Prof. Bane Vasic |
GLOBECOM 2005 (St. Louis, Missouri) 28 November–2 December, 2005 | |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs | Prof. Chintha Tellambura Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2V4 Canada Office: W2-080 ECERF Building Phone: +1 780 492 7228 Fax: +1 780 492 1811 Email:
Prof. Sarah Kate Wilson |
Committee Representative to General Conference | Prof. Michael Rice Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Brigham Young University Provo, UT, 84602 Tel: (801) 422-4469 Fax: (801) 422-0201 E-mail: |
ICC 2005 (Seoul, Korea) 15–19 May 2005 | |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs | Prof. Fulvio Babich Department of Elettrotecnica Elettronica Informatica University of Trieste 34127 Trieste, Italy Tel: +39-040-5587146 Fax: +39-040-5583460 E-mail:
Prof. Tolga Duman |
Committee Representative to General Conference | Prof. Rohit Neji Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Tel: (412) 268-6264 Fax: (412) 268-6345 E-mail: |
GLOBECOM 2004 (Dallas, Texas) 29 November–3 December 2004 | |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs | Prof. Naofal Al-Dhahir Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Texas at Dallas E-mail:
Prof. Len Cimini Prof. Dennis L. Goeckel Prof. Brian Hughes |
ICC 2004 (Paris, France) 20–24 June 2004 | |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs | Prof. Moe Win Laboratory for Information & Decision Systems (LIDS) Massachusetts Institute of Technology 77 Massachusetts Avenue Room 35-211 Cambridge, MA 02139 Tel: (617) 253-9341 Fax: (617) 253-3578 E-mail: E-mail:
Dr. Stefan Kaiser |
GLOBECOM 2003 (San Francisco, California) 1–5 December 2003 | |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs | Prof. Alexander M. Haimovich Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering NJIT Newark, New Jersey, USA Tel: +1 (973) 596-3534 Fax: +1 (973) 596-5680 E-mail:
Prof. Helmut Boelcskei |
ICC 2003 (Anchorage, Alaska) 12–16 May 2003) | |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs | Prof. Steven W. McLaughlin Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Georgia Tech Atlanta, Georgia, USA Tel: +1 (404) 894-6617 Fax: +1 (404) 894-7883 E-mail:
Prof. Urbashi Mitra |
Committee Representatives to General Conference | Prof. Moe Win Laboratory for Information & Decision Systems (LIDS) Massachusetts Institute of Technology 77 Massachusetts Avenue Room 35-211 Cambridge, MA 02139 Tel: (617) 253-9341 Fax: (617) 253-3578 E-mail: E-mail:
Prof. Tolga M. Duman |
GLOBECOM 2002 (Taipei, Taiwan) 17–21 November 2002 | |
Communication Theory Symposium Co-Chairs | Prof. Richard Wesel 7440D Boelter Hall Department of Electrical Engineering University of California, Los Angeles Box 951594 Los Angeles, CA 90095-1594 Tel: (310) 267-2150 Fax: (310) 794-1592 E-mail:
Prof. Keith Chugg |
ICC 2002 (New York City, New York) 28 April–2 May, 2002 | |
Communication Theory Symposium Chair | Dr. Hikmet Sari Pacific Broadband Coomunications 4-14 rue Ferrus 75683 Paris Cedex 14 France Tel: +33 1 58 10 12 02 Fax: +33 1 58 10 12 14 |
GLOBECOM 2001 (San Antonio, Texas) 25–29 November 2001 | |
Communication Theory Symposium Chair | Prof. Costas Georghiades Department of Electrical Engineering Texas A&M University 237C Wisenbaker Research Center College Station, Texas 77843 Tel: +1 (979) 845-7408 Fax: +1 (979) 845-6259 |
Committee Representatives to General Conference | Dr. Ayman F. Naguib Morphics, Inc. 1550 S. Bascom Avenue, Suite 200 Campbell, CA 95008-0638
Dr. Apostolis Salkintzis Prof. Kwang-Cheng Chen |
ICC 2001(Helsinki, Finland) 11–15 June 2001 | |
Communication Theory Symposium General Chair
Communication Theory Symposium Technical Program Chair |
Prof. Sergio Benedetto Politecnico di Torino Dipartimento di Elettronica Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 Torino, Italy Tel: +39 011 564 4031 Fax: +39 011 564 4099
Prof. Khaled Ben Letaif |
Committee Representatives to General Conference | Prof. Ramjee Prasad Aalborg University Frederik Bajers Vej 7 A5 9220 Aalborg st, Denmark Tel: +45 9635 8671 Fax: +45 9815 1583
Prof. Sundanshu Shekhar Jamuar |
GLOBECOM 2000 (San Francisco, California) 27 November–1 December 2000 | |
Communication Theory Symposium General Chair
Communication Theory Symposium Technical Program Chair |
Prof. Andrea Goldsmith Packard 371 Department of Electrical Engineering Mail Code 9515 Stanford, CA 94305-9515 Phone: 650 725 6932 Fax: 650 723 9251
Dr. Moe Z. Win |
Committee Representative to General Conference | Dr. George Chrisikos |